Bluetooth is one of the best wireless data sharing technology, which is used in different types of digital devices. So, if you are encountering Bluetooth problems in Windows 10, then get complete solutions here.
As you know there are multiple devices, which support Bluetooth connectivity. So, encountering errors is one of the worst things, which any computer operator can ever face using computing.
Bluetooth In Computer
As you know Bluetooth is one of the main built-in technologies in most computers, which are used to share data at short range. There are multiple devices, which anyone can easily connect using this technology.
These days most of the devices are connected using this tech such as Mouse, Headset, speakers, and many more. This tech makes a more user-friendly environment for the users to compute easily.
The more features provided by the tech can cause more problems for the users, who are relying on it. So, a sudden problem can cause you multiple types of errors, which include unstable connected devices and many more.
Therefore, today we are here with some of the best and simple steps, through which you can easily fix this issue. There are multiple versions of Windows, but we are here for the operators of Windows 10.
Fix Bluetooth Problems In Windows 10
If you want to Fix Bluetooth Problems In Windows 10, then you have to find the problem first. There are multiple steps, which you have to follow to explore the problem. The available steps are not too difficult for anyone.
So, there are multiple reasons for not working, which is why we are going to share some of the most common problems. So, let’s start with turning on the program from your windows.
Turn On
Type “Bluetooth” in the windows search bar and open the program. Here you will get the button to turn on and off the program. If the program is turned off, then you have to on it and try to connect your devices.

The connection should be active and work for you, but if you are unable to turn on it, then don’t worry about it. Your Airplane mode might be on, which is why you are not able to turn on it.
How to Turn Off Airplane Mode?
To get the Airplane mode, you have to access the Setting of your Windows. Once you got the access then find the section Network & Internet. Here you a complete panel, which provides multiple options for the users.

So, in the panel, you will get Airplane Mode, which you have to open and turn off. Below the Airplane button, you will get Wi-Fi and Bluetooth buttons. So, you can directly enable it and get access to all services.

Update Driver
If you are still encountering problems, then updating drivers is one of the best available options. So, you can Update Drivers using the device manager, which is one of the best and simple available methods.
(Press Win Key + X) and launch the Windows Context menu. Find and open the program Device Manager, which provides all information related to the drivers. So, here you have to find the Bluetooth Driver in the list.

Expand the section and make a right-click on the driver. Select the first option of update driver and select the search online. In a few seconds, your driver will be updated and your system will work fine.
If your Win-10 and Drivers are updated, but still encountering these kinds of errors, then the latest available option is to update the optional drivers. We have provided a complete guideline about it.
So, if you want to know about the Optional Drivers Of Windows 10, then access it and explore all information related to it. You can solve multiple issues using these methods.
Final Words
Now you guys know about some of the simple methods to Fix Bluetooth Problems In Windows 10. So, if you are encountering more similar issues, then feel free to contact us using the comment section below.